Fourward Architecture


December 2009 to present

Fourward Architecture is a collaboration among three talent, aspiring architects. The firm is currently underdevelopment, but has a working blog to discuss the issues and ideas facing the profession and urban development today.

Phoenix Section Programs Coordinator

AIA Phoenix Metro

October 2009 to present

The Phoenix Section of the American Institute of Architects Phoenix Metro Chapter serves the membership who live or practice in the City of Phoenix. The Coordinator is tasked to establish and further relationships with City Departments, scheduling programs to assist the City and the Membership in creating successful projects. Member led tours celebrate the creation of these successful and innovative architectural projects. The Phoenix Section Programs Coordinator is a volunteer position.

Political Canvasser

Arizona Democratic Party

April 2010 to November 2010

Paid Canvasser in Arizona Congressional District 3 to Register Voters: Going door to door and tabling at high traffic locations. Paid Canvasser in CD-7 and CD-5 for the elections. Volunteer Canvasser for several legislative and state wide campaigns.


management, director, communication, networking, mentor, positive, leader, empower, project, manage, lead, forward, audit, infrastructure, education, educate, college, university, school, healthcare, business, monitor, review, technology, information, architecture, network, human, humanization, cooperation, analysis, research, innovation, future, employment, relationship, Sustainability, urban, transit oriented, development, retail, industrial, design, graphics, presentation, public speaker, sketch, Revit, AutoCAD, BIM, CAD, Photoshop, AIA, USGBC, assessment, survey, social media, Pecha Kucha, YAF, Rice Design Alliance, housing, commercial,


My experience includes both large and small scale projects, from custom residential to University Research buildings. I have worked for firms with multiple offices and multiple divisions with a staff of thousands, as well as, in offices of less than 10 people in small storefront locations. Some firms produced in volume, while others refined the details. I have worked on master planning ground up developments, investigating historic structures for preservation, and detail driven projects. I have entered International competitions and work on small TIs for franchise businesses.

My recent experience at Jacobs was to assess and document the existing condition of military facilities in South Carolina and Texas. Prior to this assignment, I was employed in their retail division, where I coordinated production activities for the Fresh & Easy, Office Max and CVS/Pharmacy retail roll out programs. I also worked with the marketing department to produce proposals for several municipal projects in Northern Arizona.

Filing drafts

Many of tonight’s posts were drafts I have been working on for a while. Only the Sustainable one is a paper I wrote last month. I have another to write this week. Otherwise, most of these posts are just descriptions of places I have worked, although in these cases, places where I have taken course work over the years. Each is to give a basic general over view. In time, I hope soon, I hope to more personalize these pieces.